2019.11.14. Hannes’ Vector Talk
Fortuitously attended Hannes Leitgib’s talk on Vector Spaces…. applied to arguments!
Ode from Oscar
One of my best friends, Oscar, who I have known for now over five years since our first semester at Princeton, wrote an ode to me 🙂
2019.10. Insecure Behaviors
An experience that taught me to look out more carefully for others’ insecurities, to trust others’ explicitly professed self-awareness less.
2019.11.04. Identifying Bullying
A moment of awareness I’d not consciously experienced before. I’m glad that I am growing.
2019.11.02. Reading: Lorenz, Hendrik. “Natural Goals of Actions”
Thoughts I had reading a paper positing Natural Goals in Aristotle. Natural goals are ones that actions have by being the kinds of actions they are and by occurring in the circumstances in which they do, regardless of the agent being aware of or adopting them.
Protected: 2019.11. the time spent
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
2019.07. Stereotyped.
I experienced being stereotyped as a ‘Dumb American’ without their knowing me for any more than 2 minutes… and some thoughts. PC: Hope Kean
Alicia in Philadelphia!
I took photos of Alicia, my senior year roommate from Princeton and brilliant and ambitious friend! 🙂